5 Fiction Books to Get You Back into Reading
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Whether you are old or young, rich or poor, see yourself as adventurous or not . . . Bilbo was not at first. Sometimes, it just takes a wise wizard . . . or a good book like this, to spring us into action. If you have gone a long time without reading a book, this would be a great one to reignite the flame. When it comes to describing nature and filling you with calmness, there has been none better than Tolkien . . . so let this one ease you back into rekindling your imagin...
Whether you are old or young, rich or poor, see yourself as adventurous or not . . . Bilbo was not at first. Sometimes, it just takes a wise wizard . . . or a good book like this, to spring us into action. If you have gone a long time without reading a book, this would be a great one to reignite the flame. When it comes to describing nature and filling you with calmness, there has been none better than Tolkien . . . so let this one ease you back into rekindling your imagin...