5 Fiction Books to Get You Back into Reading

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Whether you are old or young, rich or poor, see yourself as adventurous or not . . . Bilbo was not at first. Sometimes, it just takes a wise wizard . . . or a good book like this, to spring us into action. If you have gone a long time without reading a book, this would be a great one to reignite the flame. When it comes to describing nature and filling you with calmness, there has been none better than Tolkien . . . so let this one ease you back into rekindling your imagin...

Fitness for the Wandering Soul

Oftentimes, fitness is viewed as a luxury industry in the modern way of life. Our minds can jump to pictures of expensive gym apparel, gym memberships, supplements, and so on. We can convince ourselves that the whole fitness or workout life is not for us because of the time, money, energy, and pain it requires. But what if there was a way to make fitness part of our routines as average, everyday, wandering souls?

The first step with this, as with anything else, is being honest with yourself....

Book Review: The Book of Lost Things

The Book of Lost Things, penned by John Connolly, is a remarkable work of fiction that weaves together many of the fairytales and fables that we know so well, with a new twist. Reading the book was like being between villages of different fairytales playing out, being able to get a view of each one the longer I walked upon the path. And the more I learned of the character David, the more I seemed to learn about myself as well.

David represents all of us, or at least a piece of us. He was a so...

What Causes Muscle Burn During Exercise?

So, if you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that exercise is a point of emphasis. Engaging in it properly is integral to your long-term health. More broadly, people’s worldviews are not a matter of if they will have a God, but which God; the same principle stands here. It is not a question of if you will exercise, but how will you exercise. When I choose to say nothing, I am, by default, still signaling a message. The same goes for your overall body movement habits (or lack ther...

Goal Setting

When we wake up in the morning, there is a reason why it feels so difficult even just to stand to our feet. Our bodies are stiff from being in the same position for hours on end, and gravity has had its way through the night. Through the process of sleep, our muscles are repaired, our memories are solidified, and many of our bodily functions are regulated (1). With all of that going on, it is no wonder our bodies want to continue the process, even when we know it is time to start the day.      A...